electronics & appliances

aeg repair


aeg: advanced engineering from germany


aeg, standing for allgemeine elektricitäts-gesellschaft, is a pioneering brand known for its wide range of home appliances. from its inception in 1883, aeg has been at the forefront of technology, delivering innovative and premium solutions for the home. the brand combines advanced engineering with sleek, modern designs, ensuring that each product not only performs to the highest standards but also complements the aesthetics of your living space.


founded in germany, aeg quickly established itself as a key player in the electrical manufacturing sector. the brand's commitment to excellence in engineering and design has allowed it to maintain a prominent position in the market for over a century.

fun fact:

aeg was one of the first companies to employ a designer for its products, peter behrens, in 1907. this marked the beginning of a new era where form and function go hand in hand, setting a precedent for the importance of product design in the industrial world.


aeg is committed to sustainability and the longevity of its products. the brand designs appliances with repairability in mind, ensuring that customers can enjoy their aeg products for as long as possible. from easily replaceable parts to accessible service manuals, aeg supports the right to repair, helping to reduce waste and extend the lifecycle of its appliances.

booking repair:

for aeg product repairs, we recommend using the fix1 app. fix1 offers a convenient way to book repair services with certified technicians who specialize in aeg appliances. whether you need routine maintenance or a specific repair, the fix1 app connects you with the right professionals to keep your aeg appliances in top condition. download the fix1 app today for all your repair needs.

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aeg repair

let's make sure that each of our products gets fixed at least once during its lifetime.

let's make sure that each of our products gets fixed at least once during its lifetime.

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